Scam of the oceans

Bali, Indonesia

I’m back in Bali after spending a week on sailing yacht STNT San Tambour Ni Trompete and Andre Beaulieu. Long story short, it seems that I got fooled. Now I just want to share my experiences. I lost money, but I’m all good and safe now.

I think the captain didn’t have totally honest intentions wanting to get me on board, my experience makes me wonder if he does this professionally. Additionally I feel that the boat was in a dangerous state and the captain might not have proper sailing experience. I wonder if the boat makes it to Australia at all.

Yesterday I got a warning email from someone who had been on the boat earlier, which confirmed all my doubts of the guy and the boat. I was lucky that we had made a progress of only 50nm during the first week due to multiple engine failures, steering problems, cracked leaking hull and electronic failures. It was still easy to make my escape in Lombok. Though he had already made me pay one months rent by making me pay one months food and 500 liters of petrol, so a week on STNT come to cost me 650€. When I realized that I would never see the money again I accepted Andre’s offer of a questionable GoPro camera as a partial payback. Once in the groove, I negotiated a bottle of port wine to be partial payback as well. I drank the port last night with Gonçalo and it tasted pretty good.

My plans now? As Bali seemed to have invited me back, I might as well stay here to surf for a while. I won’t be trying to find another sailing boat Australia. Every long distance sailor knows that going to that direction this time of the year is unwise due to unfavorable currents and winds. I know it now too.

Ps. If someone has an access to a ballistic missile, the current coordinates of the sailing yacht STNT are -8.729592 116.07889.

#biketouring #sailing #sailingindonesia #scam?#catamaran #Indonesia #Bali #findacrew #crewbay #crewseeker

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